University of Colorado - Williams Village
CSU-Morgan Library
American Univerisity of the Caribbean - St. Maarten
CSM - Marv K. Stadium
CU - Renee Crown Wellness Institute
WCS - Fleet Maintenance Facility
CSU - Lory Student Center
Ross University School of Veterinary Medicine
Rocky Vista University, Billings, Montana
AHEC-MSUD Brewing Sciences
Casper College Visual Arts
CU - Denver College of Arts and Media Center (CAM), Denver, CO
CSU -The Foundry
AHEC Library
Tivoli Student Union
RVU Medical School
AHEC - Science Building
Higher Education
Our team understands the unique phasing requirements needed to schedule construction around the academic calendar. We prioritize minimizing the impact on students, faculty, and campus guests. Clients trust our expertise in constructing higher education facilities, including residence halls, athletic complexes, classrooms, laboratories, and office buildings.
Featured Higher Education Projects

Casper College – Visual Arts
BCER was excited to be a part of this new building on the Casper College campus. The 40-year-old Visual Arts building could no longer support the Visual Arts program on...
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CU – Williams Village East Residence Hall
BCER provided Mechanical, Electrical, Plumbing, Technology, Fire Protection, and Fire Alarm consulting services for a new, 700- bed student life residence hall to be located on the CU Boulder Williams Village campus. The...
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Rocky Vista Medical University – Utah
To support RVU’s mission to provide Southern Utah with exceptional learning experiences BCER provided mechanical, electrical, and plumbing consulting services for the new Medical School Classroom and Laboratory building. Construction began on this...
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